Example 1
We have discovered our Representative Kinoshita’s 4-5 thousands of ancestors up to mythical era.
His male line is a side of side family of the Date clan(伊達氏) of a cadet branch of the Hokke of the Fujiwara clan(藤原北家 Fujiwara Hokke) ). More precisely, a side of side family of the Mochimune Date(伊達持宗) who is the 11th Head of the Date clan.
(His male line’s family name : Fujiwara→Date→Kaketa→Kuroki/Fujita→Tomita→Kinoshita)
The Fujiwara clan is said to be a cadet branch of the Nakatomi clan. However, it’s also said that Fuhito(藤原不比等), the 2nd Head of the Fujiwara clan, was actually a secret child of the Emperor Tenji(天智天皇) not the second child of Kamatari Fujiwara(藤原鎌足=中臣鎌足). So if he was the child of the Emperor, our representative’s ancestor is Amaterasu(天照大御神), but if child of Kamatari, Ame-no-koyane (天児屋根命) . In any case, about 2700 years since the Fist emperor Jimmu(神武天皇. Kamu-yamato iware-biko no mikoto(神倭伊波礼琵古命/神日本磐余彦尊)) cadence, and the Emperor Jinmu is the 6th generation of Amaterasu, and Amaterasu and Ame-no-koyane were contemporaries. So we have discovered his ancestors about 3000 years ago.